5 Reasons you should hire a Commercial Landscape Company for your Municipality

In towns across the country, the largest factor that comes into play when most individuals are gathering their first impression is the landscaping. Nobody wants to live in a city or town that doesn’t take care of its own publicly owned property. A beautiful City Hall or Recreation Center can be just the touch that can inspire residents to be proud of their municipality, rather than trying to explain away the unkempt landscape. Hiring a Commercial Landscaping can alleviate the worry, and leaves it to the experienced professionals to keep your city manicured. Here are 5 reasons why you should hire a commercial landscaping company to take care of your city, town or municipality.

1.) Experience

Not to brag, but here at Carruthers, we have worked with many large clients, from Universities such as The University of Texas at Dallas, to cities such as Plano and Garland. So when it comes to taking care of and managing the maintenance of large scale public properties, we have got you covered. Many companies will make promises they cannot deliver on, but a commercial company like us has the team and know-how to work with you every step of the way: we have done it before.

2.) Cost

Chances are, if you attempt to landscape your municipality yourself, you will run into many logistical, technical and equipment problems that you may not be prepared to deal with, you are busy running your city! The costs associated with landscaping go well beyond man hours, expensive equipment, costly training and capable vehicles will run you a pretty penny, and when spending your citizens money, why not go with a company already well prepared.

3.) Snow Removal

At some point in the winter, inevitably you will have snow fall, and that snow fall will need to be cleared from parking lots, roads and sidewalks for extreme safety reasons. This can be a hassle when using city maintenance workers who may or may not be trained to deal with this problem and are unlikely to be experts, like the teams at a commercial landscaping company like Carruthers.

4.) Dedicated Care

When our team is actively maintaining your properties, they won’t just do the bare minimum and call it a day, if they see issues or problems that need to be brought to your attention, we will come to you with a cost effective solution and options to do everything in our power to make your life easier. To us you are more than just a client, you are a partner.

5.) Risk Management

Municipal properties have a lot going on, you may not be able to notice potential safety problems as they arise, but our team will be on top of them as we walk your properties on a routine basis. Whether it’s a broken light fixture, or dead tree ready to fall, we will be proactive in notifying you and fixing the issue in a timely manner. Our teams are trained to identify these risks and put them to an end before they cause you liability.

If you have any landscaping needs; commercial or residential, don’t hesitate to give our team at Carruthers Landscaping a call at (972) 620-9560.

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