Beat the Heat! Top Practices to Protect your Landscape from Summer Heat
Protect your Landscape from Summer Heat
There’s no question that North Texas can get really hot in the summertime. Our temps have been known to hit triple digits—and even stay there during long periods of heat wave. As frustrating as this can be for us, it’s perhaps even harder on our landscapes. While you can escape inside to the relief of some air conditioning, your commercial property will need to endure the baking sun and intense heat—and that can take a toll.
If you’re going to set your commercial property up for success, you need to think about ways that you can protect it from the intense summer heat. Here are some best practices to consider.
Ensure Watering Needs are Met
As the summer days get hotter and drier, ample water will become more important than ever if you want to keep your lawn and landscapes healthy and green. Because it’s not uncommon for us to see drought conditions in the summer months, there’s a good chance your property isn’t getting what it needs from Mother Nature alone. An irrigation system can be tremendously useful in making sure your lawn and plants are getting exactly what they need—even when things heat up.
The system can be programmed to water in a way that is most beneficial to your property. Watering in the morning means lower temperatures and calmer winds—which adds up to less water loss to evaporation. This also gives grass blades and leaves plenty of time to dry before evening hours when the lack of sunlight can lead to fungal growth.
Consider Drought-Tolerant Enhancements
Another great way to beat the heat is with drought-tolerant plants that can withstand our hot and dry climate without needing to constantly be watered. For example, plants that are native to Texas are already acclimated to our weather (and our soils) and will naturally require less water.
In general, native plants also require less ongoing care and maintenance, making them a wise choice all around. Because they are lower maintenance, they may even be able to save you money in the long run.
Mulch can also go a long way in protecting your plant beds. That protective top layer is your plants’ first line of defense against direct sun exposure. Mulch can help keep soil moist by reducing evaporation.
Consider Adding Decorative Rock and Other Hardscaping
Even when you are cognizant of watering needs and you incorporate some native plant species, you may still find that our hot climates can take a toll. Another way to address this is to replace some of that green space with decorative stone (such as river rock or gravel), boulders, or even functional hardscaped space. This will cut down on your overall watering needs and potentially even add some functionality—such as an outdoor seating area where tenants, employees, or visitors can sit on a lunch break.
Partner with a Landscape Pro to Protect Your Property
In the end, no matter which route you go, a landscape professional can help set you up for success. When you are investing in a professional, you are ultimately also investing in some protection and assurance that your landscape is set up to handle the challenges thrown at it. That includes extreme heat.
While our brutal summers can sometimes take a toll on even some of the best-prepared landscapes, those of us here at Carruther’s Landscape Management are looking out for you and your landscape—and we’ll do everything we can to help your property beat the heat.