Grubs in Dallas-Fort Worth: Protecting Your Commercial Property
Grubs in Dallas-Fort Worth
When it comes to destructive lawn pests, grubs top the list. Grubs are sneaky in that you may not know you have an issue until it’s serious—and at that point, the cost to repair damage can be expensive. This can be incredibly frustrating when you’ve invested in your lawn and are looking to keep it in the best shape possible.
Grubs in the Dallas-Fort Worth area are a problem that you definitely want to avoid. In order to help you understand what you’re facing when it comes to grubs, we’ve rounded up some helpful information.
What are Lawn Grubs?
Grubs is a collective name for several species of beetles in the larvae stage. Though there are many different types, in our region, we commonly have Southern Masked Chafer grubs and June Beetle grubs.
Grubs are white and c-shaped—and are found beneath the surface of the grass where they cause their damage by feeding on the roots of your turf.
Spotting Grub Damage
It’s not uncommon for grubs to go unnoticed until they’ve already caused damage. The fact is, if you have a lot of grubs, they can move swiftly and wreak havoc seemingly overnight. You may have looked at your lawn on Monday and by the end of the week noticed brown patches that weren’t there before.
When you have an infestation of grubs, they move fast.
Grass that has damaged roots from grub feeding will begin to thin out, turn yellow, and eventually die. You might notice irregular brown patches of dead grass around your lawn that pulls up easily (or even rolls up like a carpet). These are all signs that you might have a grub problem.
Sometimes, grubs can attract other animals to your property to feed on them. If you see crows, skunks, or armadillos potentially feeding on your lawn, they may be searching for a grub meal. Increase in this type of activity is another potential sign of a grub problem.
Getting Rid of Grubs
If you have an existing grub problem, we can use a curative product that will take care of grubs. But even better, you can actually prevent grubs in the first place by using preventative grub control products.
Preventative grub control should be applied in the spring, before the grubs hatch. This allows you to eliminate them before they have the chance to cause problems.
Of course, if you’re reading this in the summer and you’ve missed that window, you can always use curative products now and plan ahead for grub prevention in subsequent seasons.
Let a Pro Have Your Back
When it comes to potential lawn problems like grubs, it helps to know that you have a professional on your side.
A professional lawn care provider is not only looking out for signs of problems (and spotting them before they become severe), but they’re utilizing proactive measures—like preventative grub control—to avoid many problems in the first place.
Grubs can do a tremendous amount of damage. But when a professional has your back, you can gain peace of mind that your property is protected. Whether it’s grub concerns, disease, or other worries, you can rest assured that the right professional will be looking out for your lawn’s health.