Spring Cleanups: Are You Ready for Spring?

Spring is one of the most beautiful seasons of the year. The sun is frequently shining, flowers are in bloom, and the grass is looking green again. However, with the dormant season past us and everything growing again, there is often an essential need for spring cleanup services. It doesn’t take long for a landscape to go from blossoming and beautiful to overgrown and messy.

To make sure that you’re ready for spring, here are some essential spring cleanup services that need to be on your radar.


Chances are that your commercial property has plenty of plant material that needs to be pruned. Making sure that those plants are trimmed properly and in a way that helps them look and perform their best is important. Even some professionals fail to realize that improper pruning can actually damage a plant. That’s why it’s so important that this service is performed correctly.

Debris Cleanup and Removal

Come spring, it’s not uncommon for a lot of properties to have quite a bit of landscape debris that needs to be cleaned up and removed. Lingering leaves, sticks, or branches that may have been blown around with winter winds can create an eyesore if not addressed.

Mowing and Edging

As commercial turf comes out of dormancy, spring is also the time to begin your mowing and edging services once again. Mowing is such an essential part of keeping your property looking trim and tidy. But it’s important that these services are performed correctly as poor mowing habits can actually stress the health of your turf and increase weed pressure.

Ground Cover Cutback and Maintenance

In addition to mowing the turf, ground cover cutback and maintenance will also help ensure that any areas with groundcover look well-maintained. It’s not hard for these areas to look overgrown and messy without the proper upkeep and care.

Flower Bed Maintenance

Though not exactly a “cleanup” service, it’s also worth mentioning that spring is a great time to get your flower beds in order. Nothing quite adds appeal to commercial properties like well-groomed flower beds with colorful plant material. Now is the perfect time to add annuals and make sure that they are properly cared for in order to reap the benefits.

Making a Wise Choice

When it comes to choosing a commercial landscape company to help you maintain your property, you want to find a company that can take your worries seriously. That means helping keep your property in tip-top shape, even throughout seasonal changes.

At Carruthers’s Landscape Management, we are here for all of your spring cleanup needs and more. When you choose to work with us, you can feel confident that you’re in good hands.

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